Coming soon to a venue near you: New Zealand and Australia itinerary

I will be travelling in New Zealand and Australia in the coming weeks. I will blog as I go about this wonderful experience. I am so pleased to have been invited to do so much with so many talented people.

Here's my itinerary for those who might be interested:

Attending the National Digital Forum in Wellington, NZ, 25th – 27th November

  • Delivering a workshop on the Balanced Value Impact Model – 35 attendees booked

  • Delivering a keynote to the conference:
    Avoiding the digital death spiral – surviving and thriving through understanding the value and impact of digital culture

  • Workshop on digitisation organised by the NZ Library and Information Advisory Commission,
    28th November:
    “to draw together people from within the Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museum sector involved in digitisation to see if there are opportunities in the sector for greater collaboration on funding, execution and access to digitised collections” - facilitated by Nat Torkington, LIAC Commissioner.

    Visit with the National Library of New Zealand, 28th November

    Fly to Australia on the 2nd December

    Day visiting and advising the National Library of Australia on impact etc, 3rd December, Canberra

    Day visiting and advising the State Library of New South Wales on impact etc, 4th December, Sydney

    Day visiting with faculty at the University of Sydney to talk about Digital Humanities, 5th December, Sydney

    Presentation hosted by the State Library of New South Wales, 5th December

  • Measuring the Impact of Digital for Humanities Scholarship and Memory Organisations

  • Workshop hosted by the State Library of New South Wales, 6th December

  • The Digital Curator (sold out)

  • Fly home!


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