
Was a Dead Sea Scroll found in Amy Winehouse's hair?

  Nope, of course not!. But back in 2008, I did lead a team to digitise the Dea Sea Scrolls. It got so much press coverage at the time that it led to this charming parody news story. I'm sat bored at the airport when Facebook memories suggest this from 14 years ago today, so I checked it out and it still makes me laugh.

Finding the Arch in the archive

This paper explores how and where Archbishop Desmond Tutu's life and work are represented in various archival materials. It then proposes some areas of research collaboration and value.

The revolution starts here: open access to digital cultural heritage collections in the UK

A report was released this week that is the single most important piece of research conducted on the subject of copyright and cultural heritage in the UK. Conducted by Dr Andrea Wallace this work needs to signal the start of an evolution in practice for UK museums, libraries and archives with a revolution in access and re-use for the general public. As the report states, we need policy that breaks down " the barriers existing between the UK’s outstanding cultural collections, including public access to and reuse of them ".

What is a strategy?

A strategy, most simply, is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim. It is the answer to the question ‘where are we going and why?’ Strategy differs from the everyday management processes and plans implemented as a procedure, policy or protocol that answers a different question: ‘how do we get things done around here?’ - new impact model website launched

I am announcing a new web resource: the Balanced Value Impact Model . Visit for exemplars, implementations, templates, a bibliography and a glossary of the BVI Model.  also supports the release of my book:  Delivering Impact with Digital Resources .

Balanced Value Impact Model at #LibPMC

Image courtesy of @LIbPMC conference I delivered a keynote on the Balanced Value Impact Model to the International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, Aberystwyth, Wales on the 23rd July 2019. See the conference hashtag #LibPMC and website  for more information.